Friday, September 08, 2006

Cat: Goodbye

Jamie's diabetes finally got the better of us and we had to let him go on Wednesday. It was one of those grown-up decisions where you can do the right thing and still feel like shit about it. Wednesday night was pretty lousy -- lots of wine and several episodes of Futurama figured largely. But it gets easier every day, and our friends and family have let us know we're not alone. I'll say one thing though: it's harder than ever to be an agnostic at a time like this. I always smile a little at the "paws down from the Rainbow Bridge" kind of talk, but it's an awfully comforting thought when you need it.

Maybe someday when we have gotten past the pain and worry and we only remember the happiness we had with Jamie, we'll be ready to get another cat. Because writers have to have cats. It's one of the rules, duh.